The World's Best Nutcrackers Contact Us by phone or email
See also:
Hand Crank, Handheld and Electric Nut Crackers - Mac Nuts & Black Walnuts
Electric Automatic Crackers - will also crack Macadamia Nuts and Black Walnuts
Electric and Rubber Band Pecan Crackers - Produces mostly Full Half Pecans!
Electric Stone Grinders - Makes Cold Pressed Nut Butters
. .
The World's Best Hand Crank Nut Cracker
Bulk Hand Crank Nut Cracker ~ Cracks up to 50 pounds of nuts in an hour.
Large Capacity Nut Sheller ~ Hand Built and Made in the USA since 1964 ~ Handmade in California
Handcrank - Heavy Duty - All Welded Steel Construction - Excellent Handmade Craftsmanship
(Also see our NEW Smaller Budget Hand crank Nutcracker Below)
See Videos & Photos Below (shows Walnuts, Paper Shell Pecans, Almonds & Hazelnuts being cracked)
The World's Best Nutcracker is an amazing piece of nut processing equipment! It cracks:
English Walnuts, Almonds, Domestic Paper Shell Pecans (Soft Shell Pecans) * ,
Filberts, Hazelnuts, Acorns, Peanuts, Brazil nuts, Pistachios,
Chestnuts, Ginkgo Nuts, Most Pine Nuts, Bay Nuts (from Bay Laurel Tree) & more.
We start getting backlogged around Mid August and September each year
and orders will be back ordered several weeks -- so please order early.
When October rolls around we can be back ordered 3 months or more
- and we cannot guarantee your order will arrive by Christmas
it could be even longer, the longer you wait to order.
Prices may go up later in 2023, so it would be good to get in the cue soon.
Please do not order unless you are willing to wait for your nutcracker to be built,
or call us if your have questions
The World's Best Nutcracker is hand b uilt and all welded
with heavy gauge steel for extra strength and durability.
Bronze bearing construction that assures long life with continued use.
This large capacity Nut Sheller takes the drudgery and effort out of cracking
and shelling nuts and saves an enormous amount of time and energy.
Just put up to a 2-3 pounds of nuts in the hopper and turn the hand-crank
and out come your cracked shelled nuts in a matter of seconds.
It has a clever washer system that with a simple adjustment allows you to
quickly crack many different sizes, shapes and varieties of nuts:
English Walnuts, Almonds, Domestic Paper Shell Pecans (Soft Shell Pecans) * ,
Filberts, Hazelnuts, Acorns, Peanuts, Brazil nuts, Pistachios,
Chestnuts, Ginkgo Nuts, Pine Nuts & more.
This is not your everyday Nut Cracker - It is more like a nut processor
as it cracks and processes up to 50 pounds of nuts in an hour!!
Shells and meats will not fly all over the room as with other crackers
and a high percentage of nut meats will be cracked in half.
The Old Fashioned style Nutcracker is portable and it very stable
when hand cranking the machine.
Place the Nut Cracker on the edge of a table and a bucket
below and the nuts and meats will fall into a bowl or bucket.
In this day and age of throw away everything,
this Nutcracker is indestructible and will last for generations.
If you buy this Nutcracker and you will not be sorry!
Well worth double the price.
These Videos shows you how to crack nuts in the Nutcracker
Video on the left shows How To Adjust for Various size nuts
Video on the right shows Paper Shell Pecans being cracked.
Videos showing Cracking Almonds on the Left Below and Hazelnuts/Filbert on the Right Below
Video below on the left shows Acorns being cracked. Video on the right shows Pine Nuts being cracked
Above is an example of Paper Shell Pecans after being cracked.
(See photos of cracked Walnut, Almond & Filbert nuts below.)
* Call us if you have the Small Very Hard Shelled NATIVE Pecans
It may NOT work very well with your style of Native Pecans: Contact Us
For cracking Native Pecans or for cracking Pecans more Halves,
see our Electric Pecan Nut Cracker at
English Walnuts Cracked above
Almonds cracked above.
Filberts/Hazelnuts cracked above
The History of The World's Best Nutcracker:
The owners of a small family walnut farm started making this wonderful
nutcracker over 50 years ago. They found that there was no nutcracker on the
market that they could use to crack the nuts themselves that was affordable,
so they invented their own hand-built hand-crank nutcracker that was easy to use
and process their nuts quickly. They started selling their nutcracker to other
small nut grove farmers who had the same problem.
It became so popular that they patented their handcrank nutcracker and have
been making their Nutcracker the same old fashioned way:
one at a time, hand built and hand welded with the
same fine workmanship for over 50 years.
This is truly the world's best nutcracker and
one of the best kept secrets for nut cracking.
Nuts in the shell are so much more healthy than cracked nuts you buy it the store.
In the shell the nuts are fresher, healthier and tastier than nuts that have been cracked
for who knows how long. Nuts in the shell are still more of a whole food as there
protective covering has preserved their freshness and aliveness.
Also as a bonus, you know that no human hands,
germs or debris have ever touched those nuts.
The World Best Nutcracker also carries a 10 year guarantee
(however it will probably last a lifetime).
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Love our new Nutcracker. Now our kids fight over who gets
to crack the walnuts from our walnut trees!
Sarah Harper from California
An amazing piece of machinery for the acorn nut .
i can't imagine processing acorns without it now.
Sam Littleton from North Carolina
We have found this nutcracker to be our most useful nutcracker
for cracking pine nuts of the dozen nutcrackers
we have purchased. Thank you.
Penny from Missouri
We have 7 pecan trees and cracking them one at a time was
pain staking. When we found this wonderful Nutcracker, I was
amazed and breathed a sigh of relief - What a Time Saver!!
DaveBiltmore from Texas
Almost every Hazelnut cracks in half and the hard shell
also cracks in half. Wonderful!
Mr. Russell from Oregon
Our Women's Club makes pecan pies every year to raise
money for local charities -- We are so happy with our new Nutcracker.
We can make even more pies now that we have found the
Best Nutcracker in the World!
The Happy Ladies Auxiliary from Michigan
We recently received our nutcracker. My husband immediately
put it to use as we have many kilos of pecans to shell. We were very impressed
with its performance as it made short work of a normally time consuming task.
It certainly lived up to its name of The Worlds Best Nutcracker.
I now have a ready supply of shelled pecans which I use in much of my baking.
Thanks for producing a wonderful product.
Regards, Wendy and Greg
Queensland, Australia.
All steel - adjusts to the size of the nuts with the front knob.
Weighs 3 lbs ~ 11" x 6" x 6
This Nutcracker was made to crack Hazelnuts, Filberts & Pistachios
and it does a fantastic job with these small nuts.
It will also crack most other soft shelled nuts.
See the video below to see how this Nutcracker does great
cracking Hazelnuts, Filberts & Pistachios and it does an okay job with other nuts such as:
pecans, smaller walnuts (about 1"), almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pi�on nuts & more.
Colors may vary and could be Red, Black, Green, Purple, Tan or Gre y.
There is no choice on the color, we send you whatever is available at the time you order.
2 to 3 weeks delivery time.
Super Duper Budget Nutctracker (Pressing the Buy Now Button will show the Total Price including Shipping/Handling added in) | |
This Amazing Hand Crank Nutcracker was designed specifically
to crack Black Walnuts. No more hammers.
Black Walnuts are extremely hard to crack.
To our knowledge, ours is the only Hand Crank Black Walnut
Nut Cracker available anywhere!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The MacNutcracker
The Best One-at-a-Time
Macadamia Nut Nutcracker.
Will also crack Black Walnuts and Hickory Nuts
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Cracks a pound of nuts in about 15 seconds!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Make your own Fresh, Cold-Pressed, Healthy Nutrient Rich Nut Milks in Minutes!
Also makes healthy Cold-Pressed Nut Butters
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The Nuts and Shells Stay in Holder and Don't Fly
Around Everywhere! Comes beautifully gift boxed .
Made in Sweden
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Also we sell Great Nut and Seed Oil Presses
to press your cracked nuts into True Cold Pressed Oil
Works great with walnuts, pecans, almonds, flaxseeds,
sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and more.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fantastic Professional Nut Butter Stone Grinders
Tabletop Stone Grinder - Black Granite Stones
This fantastic grinder gives you the richest, healthiest and tastiest
Nut Butters available and you can make it at home! Because of the slow
grinding process, all the enzymes and nutrients are retained and
not lost like other high speed processes.
P.O. Box 1163
Rough & Ready, CA 95975