Proclamation! Online Magazine | Former Adventist Fellowship

Proclamation! Online Magazine | Former Adventist Fellowship

Signup for "Friday Email" to be notified when new items are posted (right column).

Does Protestantism Have All the Truth?

COLLEEN TINKER | Editor, Life Assurance Ministries The question is universal among those who have left Adventism (or any other group with a false gospel and a twisted soteriology): how do we […]

Is Breaking the Sabbath Breaking the Whole Law?

ASK THE PASTOR WITH DALE RATZLAFF | Pastor and Founder, Life Assurance Ministries (1936–2024) FIRST PUBLISHED IN THE PRINT VERSION OF PROCLAMATION! MAGAZINE, SUMMER, 2016. Doesn’t James 2:10 teach that if you break the ­Sabbath, […]

Christ Is The Firm Foundation

THE LIFE EXAMINED WITH CAROLYN MACOMBER | Marriage and Family Counselor This morning I woke up, and all I wanted to do was worship. All I wanted was to be […]

September 14–20, 2024

Lesson 12: “Tried and Crucified” COLLEEN TINKER | Editor, Life Assurance Ministries Problems with this lesson: In this week’s lesson covering Mark 15 and the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus, the Sabbath […]

We Got Mail

Reflections from a former Worldwide Church of God member So what has been challenging? The fact that there is no “redo button”. I spent 50 years in a world that […]

Truth Triumphs Over Terror

NICOLE STEVENSON | Co-Host, Former Adventist Podcast One of the Apostle Paul’s great desires for the church was that we would be a growing people with lives shaped by the gospel. Led […]

Seeing WITHOUT the Lens of Adventism

ANTHONY ANDREOLA | Blogger and Health Program Specialist I grew up Seventh-day Adventist. I don’t blame my parents; they believed they were obeying God by teaching me Adventism. They had been […]

Do Not Touch What is Unclean

ROY TINKER | Software Engineer I want to share my own testimony of the faithfulness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ. I am the older son of Richard and […]

September 7–13, 2024

Lesson 11: “Taken and Tried” COLLEEN TINKER | Editor, Life Assurance Ministries Problems with this lesson: This lesson deals with Mark 14 which opens with Jesus’ being anointed with perfume at Simon […]

We Got Mail

Grief For the Lost Years I wanted to thank you for emailing Proclamation! magazine to me every week. (Yeah, I know there are a lot of other people involved. Thankful […]

Paul Teaches Us To Love

COLLEEN TINKER | Editor, Life Assurance Ministries When I was an Adventist, the apostle Paul seemed almost out of reach. His epistles were obviously deep and theologically meaty, but I often felt […]

Can a Believer Fall Away?

ASK THE PASTOR WITH DALE RATZLAFF | Pastor and Founder, Life Assurance Ministries (1936–2024 FIRST PUBLISHED IN THE PRINT VERSION OF PROCLAMATION! MAGAZINE, WINTER, 2015. Doesn’t the parable of the Sower teach that a ­believer […]

Safe With Our Shepherd

COLLEEN TINKER | Editor, Life Assurance Ministries Southern California has secrets. Unless a person knows her well, So Cal appears worldly and sophisticated—and indeed, she is in many ways. She has, however, […]

August 31—September 6, 2024

Lesson 10: “The Last Days” COLLEEN TINKER | Editor, Life Assurance Ministries Problems with this lesson: This week’s lesson addresses Mark 12:41–44 through Mark 13:32. Here Mark recounts Jesus’s teaching about things […]

We Got Mail

Clarity and Understanding To Leave I want to thank you for the Former Adventist Podcast.…In March of 2020 I received a transformed life through the true gospel preached…I went from […]

Friday Email Magazine Signup

Friday Email Magazine Signup

SIGNUP HERE: Every Friday we send our "Email Magazine" to everyone who has subscribed. It contains all the new online content for the week, plus two new podcasts. There is always insider content only for subscribers. Stay in touch with Life Assurance. click on magazine image above now!










Life Assurance Ministries was founded in 2000 by Dale Ratzlaff, former Adventist pastor and author of many books and articles on Adventism. His books are available here. Proclamation! Editor: Colleen Tinker; Former Adventist Podcast: Nikki Stevenson and Colleen Tinker; Brazil Outreach: Debbie Buffone. The board of directors of Life Assurance Ministries: Martin Carey, Cheryl Granger, Kaspars Ozolins, Carel Stevenson, and Richard Tinker.