Please contact us at 605-677-7100 or at ccso@claysheriff.orgwith information regarding any of these wanted persons.
This list changes frequently and is intended to show active warrants held on the date shown. Contact the Clay County Sheriff to verify the current status of any of these warrants.
(Abbreviations: BW = Bench Warrant, FTA = Failure to appear, FTPF = Failure to pay fine, ISF = Insufficient Funds Check)
The following will list sales currently scheduled. Unless otherwise noted, all sales will be held at 10:00 AM at the front entrance to the Clay County Courthouse.
Sales are often cancelled or changed prior to the sale date. It is recommended that you review this list often to be aware of changes.
The following will list sales currently scheduled for mobile homes with delinquent taxes. Unless otherwise noted, all sales will be held at 10:00 AM at the front entrance to the Clay County Courthouse.
Sales are often cancelled or changed prior to the sale date. It is recommended that you review this list often to be aware of changes.
The bearer of a concealed pistol permit may carry a concealed pistol anywhere in South Dakota except where prohibited by law. Examples of such prohibited circumstances are listed below.
A concealed pistol permit is not required to possess a weapon in a person’s own home, property or place of business.(SDCL 22-14-11)
A concealed pistol permit is not required to carry a pistol which is:
A person carrying a weapon in another state is subject to the laws of that state.
Concealed weapons permit holders are responsible for checking with the proper authorities prior to carrying concealed weapons.
The above information is intended to be of assistance in understanding South Dakota firearms laws.
It is not intended to be a complete list of firearm laws.
Any person possessing firearms shall be responsible for knowing and obeying state and federal firearm laws.