International Trade Law Research Guide
The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement was signed by President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on January 2, 1988, with the goal of eliminating all tariffs on trade between the two countries. It entered into force on January 1, 1989, after both parties to the agreement had enacted implementing legislation. The treaty was superseded by the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico when it entered into force on January 1, 1994.
Sources for the Full Text of the U.S.-Canada FTA
- The text of the agreement is published in Volume 27 of the journal International Legal Materials at page 293.
Available on HeinOnline and in print.
- The [U.S.-Canada] Free Trade Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide, Call No. KF6668 .C321998 J64 1998
- U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: The Complete Resource Guide, Call No. KF6668 .C321998 . U55 1988
Selected Secondary Sources for Analysis and Commentary
- The Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement: The Global Impact, Call No. KDZ944 .C285 1988
- Canadian-American Trade & Investment Under the Free Trade Agreement, Call No. HF1456 .C765 1990
- A Concise Guide to the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement, Call No. KF6668 .C32 S73 1988
- Making Free Trade Work: The Canada-U.S. Agreement, Call No. KF6668.C321988 A35 1990|
- The U.S./Canada Trade Agreement, Call No. KF6668 .C2 U54
- Canada-United States Free Trade: A Bibliography, Call No. HF1480.15 .U5 M5 1989
U.S.-Canada FTA Dispute Settlement Panel Decisions
- U.S.- Canada FTA Panel Decisions
This Lexis database has decisions and awards issued by panels convened to resolve trade and investor-state disputes that arose under the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement from 1989-1994.
- NAFTA Awards and Binational Panel Decisions
This Westlaw database includes decisions and awards issued by panels convened to resolve trade and investor-state disputes that arose under NAFTA and under the prior U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement.
- North American Free Trade Agreements (updated regularly), Call No. KDZ944.A35 N67
This multi-volume print resource includes the full texts of the U.S.-Canada FTA, NAFTA, and NAFTA's successor, the USMCA, as well as information and commentary about the settlement of disputes that have arisen under each trade agreement. It is regularly updated.
- Arbitral Panel Reports under Chapter 18 of the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement
This archived website is maintained by the Foreign Trade Information System (Spanish acronym SICE) of the Organization of American State (OAS). The content is limited to a small number of disputes, but it is a free alternative for those who do not have access to Lexis and Westlaw.