File Naming Conventions

A stick figure saying Oh my god while looking over the shoulder of another stick figure using a computer. The numerous documents visible on the screen are all titled some variation of Untitled. The caption reads Protip never look in someone else

To maximize access to your records, we recommend establishing a naming convention for your files.

A file naming convention is a framework for naming your files in a way that describes what they contain and how they relate to other files.

File naming conventions help you stay organized and quickly identify your files. In a shared or collaborative group file-sharing setting, it will help others more easily navigate your work.

It is essential to establish a convention before you begin collecting files or data in order to prevent a backlog of unorganized content that will lead to misplaced or lost data!

Example File Names

No naming convention:

With a naming convention:

Tips for File Naming

The following tips were adapted from Briney, K. A. (2020, June 2). File Naming Convention Worksheet. California Institute of Technology. This resource was recently awarded a 2023 DataWorks! Prize Significant Achievement Award.

Think about your files

What related files are you working with?

Example: This convention will apply to all of my microscopy files, from raw image through processed image.

Identify metadata (for example, date, sample, experiment)

What information is needed to easily locate a specific file?