500 Free Printable Workbooks & Manuals for Therapists

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A list of over 500 free printable workbooks, manuals, toolkits, and guides for mental health professionals or self-help.

(Updated 4/9/23) The following list is comprised of links to over 500 free printable workbooks, manuals, toolkits, and guides that are published online and are free to use with clients and/or for self-help purposes. Some of the manuals, including Individual Resiliency Training and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Psychotic Symptoms, are evidence-based.

free printable workbooks

Please repost this and/or share with anyone you think could benefit from these free printable workbooks and clinical tools!

For free printable workbooks and guides designed especially for youth/family, click here. For additional free printable workbooks and resources on a variety of mental health topics, see 200+ Sites with Free Therapy Worksheets & Handouts and 50 Free Mental Health Worksheets & Handouts.

Free Printable Workbooks, Manuals, & Self-Help Guides for Mental Health Professionals & Consumers

Disclaimer: Links are provided for informational and educational purposes. I recommend reviewing each resource before using for updated copyright protections that may have changed since it was posted here. When in doubt, contact the author(s).

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Substance Use Disorders & Addiction

Free printable workbooks, manuals, toolkits/self-help guides for substance and behavioral (i.e., food, gambling, etc.) addictions and recovery

There are several SAMHSA workbooks listed below; you can find additional free publications on SAMHSA’s website. For fact sheets and brochures, go to the National Institute on Drug Abuse website or the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. If you’re looking for 12-step literature, many 12-step organizations post free reading materials, workbooks, and worksheets; don’t forget to check local chapters! (See 12-Step Recovery Groups for a comprehensive list of recovery support group sites.)

Other great places to look for free printable workbooks and resources for addiction include education/advocacy and professional membership organization sites. (Refer to the Resource Links page on this site for an extensive list.)

💜 = Resource for Veterans
🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQ+ Resource