The parties agree that the provisions of Article A9.01 shall take effect upon ratification of this collective agreement and remain in effect until ratification of the collective agreement which replaces the 2009 – 2012 collective agreement. Upon ratification of the collective agreement which replaces the 2009 – 2012 collective agreement, this Memorandum shall expire.
The GNWT and the UNW agree, as part of the negotiations to replace the 2009 – 2012 collective agreement, to negotiate the provisions of Article A9.01. If the parties are unable to reach an agreement on Article A9.01, the provisions of Article A9.01 and A6 contained in the 2005-2009 collective agreement, and included below, shall apply in the collective agreement which replaces the 2009 – 2012 collective agreement.
The GNWT and the UNW shall create a committee comprised of three College Educators, one from each College campus, and three representatives designated by the College to meet at least two times each academic year to review the application of the new language in Article A9.01. The College would provide for the travel and accommodation costs incurred by the College Educators to attend these meetings.
A9.01(a)(d)(e), and A9.02 to A9.14 inclusive, "instructor" includes adult educator.
The College instructional year will be two hundred (200) working days for each instructor. The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to schedule the working days between September 1 and June 30. A working day consists of 7.5 consecutive hours and the work week shall be 37.5 hours, Monday to Friday.
Class contact hours for instructors shall not exceed 900 hours in any instructional year. Contact hours beyond 450 hours in either half of the year shall be on a voluntary basis and paid in accordance with A9.01(c). One contact hour shall be one hour of lecture, seminar, shop, workshop, laboratory work, tutorial or group remedial sessions.
Instructors who are required by the Employer to work in excess of the instructional year or in excess of or outside of A9.01(a) or (b) shall receive overtime at one and one-half times his/her straight time rate.
Annual salary is calculated on the basis of an instructor working 200 days per instructional year.
The instructor shall have a minimum of one week without class contact between courses.
An instructor’s vacation leave taken between the end of that instructor’s instructional year and the start of the instructor’s next instructional year shall not be counted as working days for that instructor.