The United Steelworkers (USW) today said that the union has reached tentative agreement on a new, four-year contract with Marathon that outlines a pattern for improving wages, benefits and working conditions throughout the industry during the course of its term.
The agreement will impact over 30,000 oil refinery, petrochemical plant, pipeline and terminal employees in more than 200 USW represented bargaining units.
“The industry came to the table with demands that would have undermined generations of collective bargaining progress,” said USW International President Thomas M. Conway. “Thanks to the solidarity of the membership and the hard work of our committee, we have achieved a fair agreement.”
The USW will review the details of the proposed pattern agreement with members before discussing them publicly.
“Our Policy Committee was determined to bring back a fair agreement that reflects our essential role in the industry, especially considering its recent, historic boom in profits,” said USW National Oil Bargaining Program Chairman Mike Smith. “The proposed agreement provides both economic and non-economic improvements for USW Oilworkers that we are proud to recommend to members for ratification.”
With the industry pattern settled, local unions will bargain individual contracts at each worksite that incorporate its terms.
The USW represents 850,000 men and women employed in manufacturing, metals, mining, pulp and paper, rubber, chemicals, glass, auto supply and the energy-producing industries, along with a growing number of workers in tech, public sector and service occupations.
The new contract features a lump sum bonus, improves wages by more than 20 percent over its term, increases pensions, includes an additional holiday and makes improvements to both active and retiree healthcare. Click to read more.
More than 200 of our members overwhelmingly ratified a four-year contract with Allegheny County today that not only dramatically enhances their wages and working conditions but advances the cause of justice. More.
Today we're proud to announce our union has reached tentative agreement with the United States Football League (USFL) on a new contract for roughly 350 players, setting a clear, viable path for season two and beyond. More.
About 70 workers at the Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site today filed for a union election as they seek to join us and gain a greater voice at one of the region’s most important cultural sites. More.
Our President Conway weighed today on reports that the World Trade Organization (WTO) believes that actions the United States took in 2018 under Section 232 of U.S. trade law violate its rules. Our statement.